Basic Fuchsin


Product Description

Basic Fuchsin is a popular dye for staining cytoplasm and nuclei. It is most commonly associated with the Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast stain technique for detecting Mycobacteria. Basic Fuchsin is also a popular alternative to Safranin O in Gram Staining because of its more intense coloring in gram-negative bacteria.

Not to be confused with Acid Fuchsin, which is used in Masson's Trichrome Stain. Though the powder is green in color, Basic Fuchsin develops a rich magenta color in solution. It has a solubility of 0.1% when dissolved in Ethanol.

Check out our low price Decolorzing Solution and Methylene Blue Counterstain for acid-fast staining. Avoid the hassle of ordering separate products and save big with our all-in-one Acid-Fast Stain Kit.

bioWORLD's products are supplied for LABORATORY RESEARCH USE ONLY. The product may not be used as a drug, agricultural or pesticidal product, food additive or as a household chemical.


See how Basic Fuchsin reveals subcellular patterning and ecotype variation and how Basic Fuchsin stains gram-negative organisms more intensely than safranin on PubMed.

Technical Specifications

Synonyms: Basic Fuchsin
CAS#: 569-61-9
Molecular Weight: 323.82
Molecular Formula: C19H17N3 . HCl
Ship Temperature: RT
Storage Temperature: RT


Technical Documentation