Product Description
BCIP, 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate disodium salt, is a chromogenic substrate for Alkaline Phosphatase in enzyme-linked assays. It forms a bright blue precipitate when the phosphate group is cleaved. BCIP is used in forensics as a quick method to screen for semen directly from a stain at a crime scene.
Molecular Biology Grade BCIP is of >98% purity and is soluble in aqueous solutions, giving it an advantage over BCIP P-Toluidine Salt. It is most commonly coupled with NBT to produce a formazan chromagen precipitate that amplifies the signal. We conveniently provide a 50X Concentrate of BCIP/NBT for blotting.
bioWORLD offers an extensive catalogue of blotting buffers for every unique need.
bioWORLD's products are supplied for LABORATORY RESEARCH USE ONLY. The product may not be used as a drug, agricultural or pesticidal product, food additive or as a household chemical.
See the advantage of the BCIP swab procedure in presumptive screening of suspected semen stain in situ on PubMed.