HEPES Hemisodium Salt


Product Description

HEPES hemisodium salt may be used in the preparation of HEPES buffer, which is one of the best all-purpose buffers available for use in biological research. The molecule is zwitterionic at most biological pHs and is most effective as a buffer at pH 6.8 to 8.2. May be used in isoelectric focusing applications and as a buffer in the quantitative and selective measurement of antigen-antibody reactions.

Technical Information:

pKa (25°C): 7.5

Warning: For laboratory use only. Not fit for agricultural, household, clinical use or human consumption.

  • Appearance: Crystalline powder
  • PH Value: 6.8–8.2

Technical Specifications

Synonyms: HEPES Hemisodium Salt
CAS#: 103404-87-1
Molecular Weight: 249.3
Molecular Formula: C8H17.5N2Na0.5O4S
Ship Temperature: RT
Storage Temperature: RT


Technical Documentation